Friday, March 29, 2013

Automobilles: What is automobile and brief history


What is Automobile ?

Automobile is self-movable vehicle which is driven by an engine (gasoline or diesel). Well the word "Automobile" came from two words, one from Greek word "autos" which means self and from the Latin word "mobilis" which means movable and the both words together means that a vehicle which moves itself.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Volkswagen unveiled limited XL1 claiming 261 miles per gallon

Volkswagen, the world's second largest automaker unveiled the production of its new two-seater hybrid XL1 at Geneva Motor Show. Volkswagen claims that this hybrid car can go 261 Miles using one gallon of fuel. The concept behind this amazing hybrid car was started in 2002 and after 10 years of hard work by Volkswagen Engineers they finally made the car that can run 261 miles per gallon of fuel.