Saturday, June 1, 2013

Toyata plans to produce Toyata Etios Hybrid in India

compact sedan
A view of Toyata Etios [Source: Google]
Toyata Motor Corporation, world's largest automaker and very conscious about environment. Toyata is the automaker with largest number of hybrid models and sold over 5 millions unit of their hybrids worldwide. Now Toyata plans to launch a hybrid model of compact sedan Toyata Etios in India and production will be done here in India to eliminate custom duties.

In 2010, Toyata launched its top selling hybrid model Toyata Prius in India. Toyata managed to sell only 170 units all over India because this hybrid car was imported as completely built unit that made car price to be rised to Rs 28 lakh due to custom duty of over 100%. But now Toyata plans to produce their new Toyata Etios hybrid car in India that will make the price affordable to India consumers.

top selling hybrid car in the world
Toyata Prius [Source: Wikimedia]

Chief engineer of Toyota Motor Corporation, Kouji Toyoshima said ET that "We need to consider hybrid version of Toyata Etios going forward or a car for the emerging market. I think the first priority is to reduce the cost of the vehicle and improve efficiency levels, so that the customers in India are willing to choose hybrids as a better affordable alternative for the future."

Hybrid Cars are running using two sources of power, Electric Motor as primary source which move the car and a heat engine (diesel or petrol) to charge the battery that runs electric motor. This concept eliminate external source for charging and differentiate hybrid car from electric car. Though a hybrid car is costlier than conventional vehicle by 30-50% but can be 50 - 100% more efficient. Toyata estimates that using hybrid concept, they saved over 11.356 billion litres of petrol till march 2013 all over the world [Source: wikipedia]

So  Indian Govt. promises to invest Rs 23,000 crore through National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 that encouraged Toyata Motor Company to start their project of hybrids in India. Kouji Toyoshima also said "If it happens, it could be a smart solution for Indians, who are smart.” Government also expected to offer subsidy of minimum Rs 0.5 lakh to 1.5 lakh per car.
By 2020, it is expected to produce 17 - 19% of the cars to be electric or hybrid. If I say in numbers then it would be near 1.5 million hybrid cars by 2020 in India.

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